The path to become regenerative and build climate positive partnerships may at the outset seem overwhelming.
​We help you know so you can do.
​We understand that every sport is at a different point in their journey.
​We can support you to find a clear path suited to your organisation. We endeavor to have conversations with you, provide activities and connect you with others so that you can:
1. Grow understanding of climate change impacts and solutions
2. Form ambition to take action
3. Seek collaboration to support action
4. Make commitments internally and externally and be accountable
5. Increases communication to normalise and encourage climate action
Following is a sample of activities that Green Planet Sport can deliver on specific or general climate change topics:
- climate literacy presentations or workshops, activation ideation, purpose project development with a focus on biodiversity projects, connection to latest research and recommendations, climate positive partnership conversations.
​​The activities are scaled to fit your organisations size, time and needs. We can also utilise support from our network to deliver a wide range of project elements.
Green Planet Sport does not create net zero plans, we can however connect you to organisations who do.